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arts & sciences

We’ve seen the dis­so­nance between how the cre­ative process works and what the class­room tells cre­atives they can and can­not do. But School, when done well, has a very direct impact on our country’s cre­ative cul­ture (feel free to lump in cutting-edge sci­ence, social inno­va­tion, com­plex fic­tions, and rev­o­lu­tion­ary art). Never to set­tle for paw­ing at the door of bril­liance, Rain­tree has aimed, from day one, to fling the gates open with wild and pur­pose­ful aban­don (insert Rocky Bal­boa with arms stretched to the heav­ens) and keep on going as a flood of glo­ri­ous pos­si­bil­i­ties are set free for our students.

Cre­at­ing a school where chil­dren pur­sue sub­jects they want to take, skills they want to learn, and an edu­ca­tion they help cre­ate and build is fas­ci­nat­ing.


The change of focus on the child’s mind rather than a test score is stu­pen­dous. And our stu­dents take advan­tage by being the biggest sponges possible.

We teach chil­dren to be coura­geously cre­ative in the sci­ences and arts. The youngest of learn­ers are immersed explor­ing their world with math and sci­ence and shar­ing what they know and think through cre­ative writ­ing, per­for­mance, and art. The on-campus art stu­dio, stu­dent gar­dens, and wood­land enhance the learn­ing expe­ri­ence with learn­ing that can hap­pen in a gen­uine set­ting, with real things. Our phi­los­o­phy is based on the truth that young chil­dren are best chal­lenged in the arts and sci­ences when they are given mean­ing­ful work in the dynamic set­ting of the real world. Here, their expe­ri­ences have big impli­ca­tions. Con­tent is con­tex­tual, not iso­lated. It is all con­nected to the world that sur­rounds. Immersed in the ele­gance of the biol­ogy and geol­ogy of the wood­land and gar­den, every child is given the space and time to find answers to their ques­tions and decide what they can do with their new found knowledge.

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