The children of Raintree, happy to skip off the beaten track and frolic in the world of adventure can often be found grappling with the small and great challenges they face as members of our world: preserving their forest, rescuing creatures, cleaning polluted waterways, and reminding people to watch out for turtles on the road.

Citizens are many things: creative, passionate, eager, dedicated, intelligent, and responsible. So whether it's observing and documenting the happenings of the natural world or keeping tabs on the wild things you love; the power of Raintree projects lies in that magic space. A space where loving the place you are in and wanting to make it better meets the optimism and creative thinking of young children with agency.
At Raintree, our students delve into community-based projects as a way to find their place in the world and to make their voice heard.
From our youngest students to our oldest, Raintree children are changing the world, and they are doing it with muddy hands, a beaming smile, and a heart full of wonder!