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Students must be 5 years old by August 1st to be eligible.


Attendance Options:

  • Full-time - 5 days/week, 7:30 am - 5 pm (class from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm)

  • No other attendance schedules available for this grade level

At Rain­tree, we know that a school with a chal­leng­ing learn­ing envi­ron­ment is not built with pres­sure and stress. It is tak­ing risks and try­ing new things. It’s explor­ing vast regions of pos­si­bil­i­ties and test­ing your under­stand­ing of Sci­ence, Math­e­mat­ics, and the Human­i­ties against the world around you.

Long-term project work pro­vides an envi­ron­ment in which stu­dents take part in con­struct­ing their cur­ricu­lum. Kinder­garten­ers at Rain­tree are offered choices.  Our small class size cre­ates the ideal set­ting where teach­ers are able to allow for indi­vid­ual pac­ing, to allow for close mon­i­tor­ing of each student’s progress, allow­ing each stu­dent an active part in the school community.

always a good time to sled
morning journal
math and forest converge
learning can be messy
For­est School

Sur­rounded by the won­ders of the wood­land, For­est School gives each kinder­gartener an expe­ri­ence unmatched any­where in the city.  To be the keep­ers of the for­est, to learn the tech­niques of sci­en­tists and apply them in the real wood­land set­ting, to play and camp in the great green for­est is the right of each child at Rain­tree.  The for­est is their back­yard, their play­ground, their hide­away full of mys­tery and intrigue.  This wild woodland also becomes the protagonist of their first over-night campout.



Art is the native lan­guage of child­hood.  To help stu­dents express their ideas and new dis­cov­er­ies, the art stu­dio is always open.  From sculpt­ing the Child­like Empress of The Nev­erEnd­ing Story or sketch­ing a drag­on­fly with scaled wings, the stu­dio is the place to invent, exper­i­ment, and express the com­plex­i­ties of their young minds.


Cre­ative Writ­ing

With the learn­ing of new words and their spelling, kinder­garten­ers are inspired to write fresh tales with sen­tences writ­ten all on their own.  Dur­ing small-group work­shop ses­sions, each young writer hones their use of set­ting, mood, char­ac­ter traits, and dia­logue.  But we don’t stop there…we never stop there.  Our well-experienced authors also ven­ture into the writ­ing of their first chap­ter book!



Yes, in this age of tech­nol­ogy, we at Rain­tree still value the sight of a good look­ing ‘g’.  Learn­ing to take pride in all ele­ments of one’s work, to work patiently and care­fully, and to do beau­ti­ful things are at the heart of our hand­writ­ing instruction. 



Math is more than num­ber recog­ni­tion and arith­metic.  Math is a way of think­ing.  It is pieces fit­ting art­fully in place to solve every­day prob­lems and cre­ative dilem­mas.  At Rain­tree, math comes with a force and inspires each young mind to meet the challenge.



Daily doses of reflec­tion and body work encour­age chil­dren to slow down their day, focus their thoughts, and con­nect their body with all that they are learn­ing.  Yoga in kinder­garten reminds chil­dren that they can chal­lenge their bod­ies in small, quiet ways too.



While learn­ing to fash­ion sim­ple toys, sew cloth­ing and pil­lows, and make tools for the gar­den, chil­dren begin to build a sense of what is prac­ti­cal and what is beau­ti­ful.  They are empow­ered by their abil­ity to iden­tify things that are needed or wanted and will them into being with their skill and determination.

Culi­nary Arts

Chil­dren learn to pre­pare a meal with friends, use com­mon and unusual kitchen tools, exper­i­ment with fla­vors, and explore the sci­ence, math and artistry of cook­ing dur­ing their final year at Raintree.

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