Your Voice Matters
At Raintree School, we believe that everyone has a voice and that voice matters — no matter their age. It's a message that we send to the children in a variety of ways throughout our day. From deciding what they want to play during Exploration, to debating the fate of a tiny creature found in the classroom. From voting on their class name to choosing a project, this idea is woven into the very fabric of our school philosophy.
You have a voice.
Your voice matters.
You belong here.
You can make a difference.
Your words have the power to affect change.
On Nationwide Election day, our Raintree students exercise their right to vote on a school wide level. During weeks of preparation, our elementary class sets up an election to mirror the one happening throughout our country. They first decide on a topic (example: What is the best spot in the forest? What is our favorite meal for lunch? Etc.) and hold a respectful class debate. Next, the elementary students create signs supporting their choice and post them throughout the school. Before voting day, the class creates ballots, polling boxes, and designs beautiful "I voted" stickers for their schoolmates to wear proudly after casting their vote.
Guided through the process by the elementary class, Raintree students and staff cast their vote between the 2 choices. Students offer to help each other fill out their ballots, insert them into the ballot boxes, or tape on their “I voted” sticker. The results of the election will determine something applicable to the school. On 11/5/24 Election day, the school voted on which type of food was best: cheeseburgers or pasta? The winning food, cheeseburgers, was then featured on the following week's lunch menu! Reinforcing voice and independence in children supports a stronger future for our nation and world. At Raintree School, we believe that everyone has a voice and that their voice matters!