Your Voice Matters
At Raintree School, we believe that everyone has a voice and that voice matters — no matter their age. It's a message that we send to the...

The Making of a School Cookbook
By Katie Brown The mythical Raintree School Cookbook was whispered of and requested for years. We understood the importance, the wish to...

An Investigation of Carrots
By Katie Brown What a journey we take at the lunch table each day! In this space we encounter new foods, develop conversation skills and...

The Recycling Project
This Spring, the Hoppin’ Frogs Preschool class embarked on a journey through project-based learning. An interest in vehicles sparked...

The Sweet Side of Project Work
In the Reggio Emilia philosophy, there are two major principles woven together: Emergent Curriculum and Project Approach. The teacher’s...

Seasonal Cooking Class
Building community is a high priority at Raintree School. Students and teachers connect every day, but it’s important for parents to meet...

No Bad Weather, Only Bad Gear
The cold weather is here to stay, so we turn to the famous Scandinavian saying: “There’s no such thing as bad weather, only bad gear.”...

Small Acts of Sustainability
Sustainability is a word and an action that often feels overwhelming, challenging, or daunting. But none of those things have to be true!...

Our Land Acknowledgement
“We respectfully acknowledge that we are on the traditional, ancestral lands of the Osage Nation. The process of knowing and...

Celebrating Diversity and Cultivating Awareness
As educators we know that children are never too young to begin learning about diversity. In early childhood education, the practice of...