Eat Pretty
You know that old adage you are what you eat? Well, have you ever stopped to think exactly how true that is? Put simply, healthy eating...
Because it Mattered
Last Fall, a group of three year old’s took it upon themselves to protect all of the mini beasts found in the forest. They wanted a place...
The Art of Observation
Photography comes from two words - “photo” meaning light and “graph” meaning to write, literally translating into the delightful phrase:...
Whose House Is This, and Why Are We Here? The Pedagogy of Raintree School
Lois Malaguzzi, Rudolf Steiner, John Dewey, Johann Pestalozzi, A.S. Neill, Richer Louv, and Teacher Tom - these are all educators who...
The Rhythm of Forest School
“Make a circle. Make a circle,” so the song goes. And so goes the rhythm of our forest days at Raintree School. It begins with breakfast...
Alters and Nets: or How to Catch a Fish in the Forest, and What's To Be Done When You Do
Leading children into wildlands is fraught with mystery. The constant rhythm of forest school provides intimacy with nature, but nothing...
The World is Big and Small: Lessons from Beasties in Raintree School's Forest
“How do you feel when a bug is stepped on?” Big ideas start this way. A simple question on a beautiful spring day full of the potential...
What Are You Made Of
Wild lands creep into your bones. Cold morning air seeps in. Sunshine settles on your skin. Your eyes presume beauty, magic, toothy...
School Days
Regular days. That slow pace of familiarity. One day to the next, regular days fill our time. They mark our bodies, so we don’t forget....
The forest floor reminisces. Who has come? Who has gone? The reverberation of who is on their way. The ground constructs a story -...